Thank you for this celebration of success but also a coming together to bring greater awareness to the work of this organization in the area of mental mobility; a partnership of Christ and curriculum that seeks to promote healing, wholeness and mental mobility without medicine.
We thank you for the visionary and founder Dr. Thomisha Duru who has allowed her trials and transparency to birth purpose out of pain that would be the catalyst for engaging, educating and empowering other women who have been or are currently stuck because of some significant event in their life.
We ask that you continue to keep her strong, her vision fluid and her resources filled, so that she can continue to be successful in leading this organization. We also ask your blessings over her personal support system of family, close friends and associates that keep her encouraged as she leads this organization.
Lastly we thank you for the Board of Directors, the Wise Org Team, partners and those of you that have come to get involved and invest financially into this mission.
Thank you for having your hand on this organization/ministry that reminds us that you care about where we are and that your plan is in the words Of Jeremiah 29:11 to prosper these women and to give them hope and a future.
We give you thanks!
Spoken at TheWISEorg 2018 Golden Gala